Javier Fuertes ~ 12/14/2023

According to my experience in all these years interpreting dreams I can tell you that dreaming of your former romantic (partner boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife) usually reflects the emotions and attitudes you harbor over your romantic past.
Having this type of dream suggests that something or someone in your life is triggering similar feelings you had in the past when you were with your ex-partner.
Keep in mind that dreaming about your ex-partner doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get back with him (or her). This type of dream is common I see every day in my social networks; that’s right, that’s why you should not be ashamed if you dream of your ex having a new partner in the present, since your previous romantic experiences are part of your emotional past.
In some cases I have noticed that this dream is presented for the dreamer to self-examine or evaluate her current sentimental state and her future choices or decisions in the romantic aspect of her life. Particularly, if your ex hurt you deeply, you may be still dreaming of him from time to time as a reminder of bad decisions you shouldn’t repeat or the type of man or woman you should stay away from.
Dreaming that you argue with your ex
This dream reminds you of the problems you had in your previous romantic relationship and you should avoid repeating in a new one.
If you are still single it is possible that your unconscious mind is remembering the reasons why you still do not get a partner.
If you are interested in this dream check: dreaming of arguing with my ex partner.
Dreaming that your ex husband comes back home
Dreaming that your ex husband comes back home means that you still have strong feelings for him, and this dream is just exhibiting your inner desires or wishes for him.
If you do not have a partner, this dream may reflect your desire to establish a new romantic relationship in which you feel loved, pampered and protected.
Dreaming that your ex asks you for forgiveness
This dream suggests that you feel emotional wounded by what he did to you. This dream reflects your resentment towards your ex, and surely you have thought several times that he or she should feel remorse for his or her past actions.
If you are interested in this dream, read my ex was asking me for forgiveness in a dream.
Dreaming that your ex asks you for forgiveness crying
If in your dream you see that your ex asks for forgiveness with tears in his eyes suggests that not only do you feel seriously offended, but that you wish your ex was punished for what he did to you (maybe he was unfaithful, or fell in love with someone else).
Dreaming that you are having a baby with your ex
dream that you have with your ex partner in a dream what your dream asks you is to clarify your feelings about that loved one. This type of dream is also explained with the expectations and illusions you still harbor for that person.
Read more in having a baby with my ex in a dream.
Dream of having baby twins with your ex partner in a dream.
Dreaming of baby twins with you ex in our dreams, while pleasant, might indicate that our emotions and feelings are out of control, and in order to accomplish our objectives and realize what the mind is forecasting, we must regulate our . . .
Dream of my you ex boyfriend was having a baby with someone else
The dream that your ex is going to have a child with another person has an encouraging meaning depending on how you feel when you realise it is happening in your dreams; if you feel something negative, such as jealousy or courage inside you, it means you have not learned to let go completely.
Read more in seeing my ex partner having a baby with someone else.
Dreaming that your ex is beating you up
If your ex didn’t used to hurt you physically or verbally during the relationship; however, you have this dream, then it means that your previous partner has damaged or injured a part of your “heart” or psique.
See my ex was beating my up in a dream.
Dreaming of ex boyfriend begging
Dreaming that your ex boyfriend was begging means that you must close your romantic past with with definitively, that you must leave that relationship behind and give yourself the opportunity to start something new.
Read more meanings and scenarios in dream of ex partner begging.
Dreaming that your ex has a car accident
If you dream that your former partner has a car accident or his life is at risk, that may indicate that you still care about their well-being. You may believe that he or she is in a dangerous situation.
Dreaming that your ex has an accident and dies
If you’re happy with your new relationship, dreaming that your ex dies suggests that you’ve completely left your previous relationship behind.
However, I have seen several cases in which some dreamers usually have these types of dreams because they have a feeling of guilt, since in a way they feel responsible for having ended the relationship.
Dreaming you see your ex partner dying
Your ex might be a dream symbol for a shift in your life that is unrelated to him or her. Have you lately made another decision about which you are unsure? Is there anything else you have “lost” recently? This dream may be attempting to tell you that you are concerned about how your breakup has affected another aspect of your life.
If you are interested in this dream, check seeing in a dream your ex boyfriend dying.
Dreaming of you wanting to get back with your ex
If you have a dream in which you want to get back with our ex, it does not necessarily reflect your subconscious desires to want to return to that person. It is likely you may be missing some elements of your romantic relationship but it doesn’t necessarily mean you miss the person.
If you don’t have a partner at the moment, this dream means that you really miss being involved in a romantic relationship , feeling loved and wanted.
See full content in dream of getting back together with your ex partner.
Dreaming that your ex wants to get back with you
If you have a dream in which your ex partner wants to come back, it means that you are missing several aspects of your previous relationship, but not necessarily the person.
The dream may happen as a result of a failure or disappointment over romantic choices you have taken.
If you do not have a partner, this dream may reflect your desire to establish a new romantic relationship in which you feel loved, protected and pampered.
Read more in dream meaning of ex wanting me back.
Dreaming that your ex comes back with you
It may indicate that you still miss your lover, and this dream is just exhibiting your inner desires or wishes for him or her.
It may indicate that you still miss your boyfriend or girlfriend, and this dream is conveying your inner desires.
If you do not have a partner, this dream may reflect your desire to establish a new romantic relationship in which you feel loved, pampered and protected.
Dreaming that your ex-partner gives you advice about your current relationship
When you dream that your ex gives you advice for your present relationship remember that this advice is not from your ex, but from your own subconscious saying that you should not make the past mistakes in your current relationship, so you should listen to it carefully.
Dreaming of your ex calling you
If in real life you do not have a romantic partner and you dream that your ex-partner calls you on your cell phone, it is a sign that you have thought or examined the possibility of being in a loving relationship and feeling needed.
Alternatively, it may indicate that you’ve been curious about your ex’s current state.
If you have a partner today, this dream means that you remember pleasantly those special details of your previous relationship. In some cases it reveals your curiosity to have news of your ex’s current life.
Dreaming of being chased by your ex
Dreaming that you are chased or molested by your ex means that you carry a heavy emotional burden from your previous relationship and that you need to confront it in order to close that painful chapter in your life.
There is more meanings in dream of being chased by your ex.
Dreaming that your ex is cheating on you
Dreaming that your partner is cheating on you reveals that you are feeling jealous of your partner for something he or she has been doing in recent days. Usually this dream is common when you feel that your partner is dedicating more time and dedication to other matters such as work or friendships, and spending less time with you.
This dream can not only reflect your feeling of feeling abandoned and relegated to the background, but also express your fear of not meeting the expectations or illusions that your partner has of you.
It can also reflect a sense of emotional abandonment, as your partner is paying more attention to a hobby, soccer, friends, work, or even family before you.
Dreaming of your ex crying
Dreaming that in your dream your ex-boyfriend is crying inconsolably. In this case you should remember what you felt in this dream when you saw your ex crying: Was it anger, resentment, sadness? You may have been happy to see that he (she) missed you, and perhaps your ego has felt strengthened. Your subconscious is projecting a latent desire that you don’t want your ex to be happy about the damage he did to you in the past.
If you are interested in this dream, read dreaming of your ex boyfriend crying.
Dreaming of your ex dating a friend
Dreaming that your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is dating a friend of yours means you are in front of a moment of change.
That’s right, dreaming that your ex-partner has turned the page and started a new relationship can be a signal from your subconscious to leave the past behind and definitely forget that stage of your life.
Read more in dreaming of my ex dating with a friend.
Dreaming of seeing your deceased ex alive
Dream of an ex boyfriend means you need to make a personal change and do not stick to the past. That’s correct, it means that you must choose another path in your life, be reborn and make different decisions than those you have been making so far.
See more in my dead boyfriend being alive in dreams.
Dreaming that you fight your ex
Dreaming of fights between you and your ex lover indicates that you still have unfinished business towards her or him. It may revel that there are emotional wounds which have not been healed or forgotten yet.
Dreaming that your ex gives you a gift
If you dream that you receive gifts from your former better half it may mean that you are in need of attention in your current life. Depending on what your ex gives you, we can understand what kind of attention you are looking for.
Dreaming that your ex gives you a stuffed animal
Dreaming that you get a stuffed animal from your ex in your dream can mean that you are currently looking for protection and support of a loving relationship.
Dreaming that your ex was saying goodbye
Dream that your ex boyfriend was saying goodbye to you is showing your feelings about your current relationship. You may believe that your love is not reciprocated or that your feelings for him are not the same as those you think he feels for you.
Read full content in your ex says goodbye in a dream.
Dreaming that your ex is at the hospital
If you have a dream in which your ex is in very bad health in the hospital or at home and you take care of him, it means that you are still affected by the end of the relationship and trying to heal your emotional wounds.
The sick person here is a clear symbol of your aching heart.
Dreaming that your ex is discharged from the hospital
It means that you have already left your previous relationship behind.
Dreaming of your ex hugging you
If in your dream you share or receive hugs or cuddle from your ex, it may mean that you miss and need those expressions of affection in your current life. It may be a symptom that you recognize certain attributes in your ex that you liked and that you are currently needing, but it does not necessarily mean that you are still in love.
On the other hand, it is very possible that your mind is still affected by that sentimental relationship. It’s time to evaluate yourself and finally decide to turn the page on your life’s book.
Hugging someone is an act of affection and symbolizes the affection you feel for that person. In that sense, dreaming that your ex-partner gives you a hug is related to those feelings of affection they had for each other. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you miss being with him or her.
Also, another way to interpret this dream experience is to remember the way you received the hug, because there are different ways to perform this gesture and some are more significant than others.
Read full content in dream meaning of my ex was hugging me.
Dreaming seeing your ex hurt
Seeing your ex-boyfriend being hurt in dreams signifies the potential for healing, closure, and the release of negative emotions. It presents an opportunity for self-reflection, personal growth, and empowerment.
Read the full content for this dream in seeing my ex getting hurt.
Dreaming that you are kidnapped by your ex
This dream indicates that you feel trapped by a previous relationship. Is like a metaphor telling that memory you keep of your ex is “holding you” in emotional captivity.
If you have this dream, it is very possible that you are going through a stage where you are rethinking what you have done with your life and you realize that you have let yourself be carried away by the opinion of others and you have neglected your independence, you have neglected yourself.
The feeling of kidnapping is very common in dreams and in real life. Moments of frustration appear when that ideal of being happy becomes very distant when you realize that your life is not what you want.
Dreaming that your ex ignores you
A dream in which your ex ignores you or ignores you is a sign for you to stop thinking about a past relationship that has already ended. It’s time to close definitively with that stage of your life.
Dreaming of you killing your ex boyfriend
If you killed your ex-boyfriend in your dream, it indicates that you still carry some memories of him with you, some of which may periodically irritate you.
If you have a dream in which you kill another person, it may be a sign that you need to make some changes in your life right now, most notably in the way that you interact with your real-world partner.
Read more in killing your ex boyfriend in a dream.
Dreaming of your ex kissing you
This dream may suggest that you miss or need those expressions of affection in your current life.
If you are still harboring latent emotions for your ex-partner and you dream that he returns to hug you and kiss you, then you should consider the following: It is possible that you really want so much that to happen in reality that your dreaming mind “grants” it to you through your dreams.
Dreaming of your ex kissing someone else
Dreams about an ex lover kissing someone else frequently indicate an underlying yearning for closure and the urge to move on. Consequently, seeing your ex with a new partner might indicate that you are ready to let go of the past and accept new possibilities. It implies that you have accepted the split and are looking for happiness in other areas of your life.
Read more in seeing your ex kissing someone else.
What happens in your dream isn’t necessarily going to happen in real life.
Don’t get confused for that,
do not make important personal decisions on what your ex did, said or felt in your dream.
Dreaming that your ex-boyfriend is looking for you
Dreaming that your ex-partner is looking for you means that you really are longing for being in a romantic relationship and feeling needed. If you have a current partner, this dream may suggest that you are missing some details of your previous relationship.
It can also reveal that you would like that to happen in reality, for him to come back for you to restart your relationship.
Dreaming of your ex getting mad at you
If you see that your boyfriend or husband was very angry at you in dreams, then you must just undergone a catastrophic breakup or endured horrific occurrences in your previous relationship and are fighting to overcome those powerful sentiments.
See more meanings in seeing your ex being mad at you in dreams.
Dreaming of marrying my ex
Dreaming that you get married to your ex boyfriend or husband, it means you still have vivid feelings or flashbacks about your romantic past. Something or someone has triggered some special memories of foregone experiences with your ex lover.
See full content in getting married to your ex in a dream.
Dreaming that your ex moves into your house
This dream suggests that you may be able to interact normally with your ex in real life, even be good friends.
Dreaming that your ex is proposing to you
If in your dream your ex-partner asks you or proposes marriage, it suggests that you have already overcome that previous relationship and learned from your past mistakes. It also suggests that you have left that stage of your life behind.
Alternatively, this dream may indicate that the dreamer is in a situation in her present life in which she feels that she is willing to accept something or someone she had previously discarded.
Read full content in I dreamt that my ex was asking me to marry him
Dreaming that your ex rejects you
Dreaming that your ex rejects you means that you feel a deep sadness about something that have happened in your romantic past, particularly with your last partner. Something deeply disturbed you and caused emotional pain that you can’t overcome.
This dream reveals that you still have feelings for your ex-partner; you still don’t get over the breakup.
See more meanings in dream of my ex lover rejecting me.
Dreaming that your ex rejects you a kiss
Dreaming that your ex said no to you and tries to avoid your kiss, it reveals emotional insecurity, you have low self-esteem. You still have lingering feelings for him.
Dreaming that you have relations with your ex
Dreaming that you have intimacy with your ex lover means you still have psychological wounds over your romantic past, you would need to work on your deep emotions towards him or her.
If you have a dream in which you sleep together with your ex-boyfriend, it brings several meanings depending on your current personal situation and the details that are present in your dream.
Your ex can be the image or symbol for romantic love that your subconscious has made; especially if your ex was your first partner with whom you had intercourse.
A dream with a previous partner is a way for your mind to remind you of what you have learned from your past love experience, including your and your ex’s mistakes.
Dreaming that you say goodbye to your ex
If in your dream you say goodbye to your ex-partner, that is a sign that you are completely accepting the end of that relationship.
If in your dream you experience lovely and romantic moments together with your ex as happened in the past, that would reveal that a part of you still harbors emotions towards him or her.
From another perspective, you may currently feel that there are situations or elements in your relationship with your current partner that reminds you of time when both of you were together.
Likewise, consider the possibility that your subconscious may be inviting you to reflect on your past relationship and how you have grown from the woman you were before.
Dreaming that you and your ex-boyfriend take care of a sick child
If you dream that both of you are raising or caring for a sick child, it may indicate that there are still pending issues with your ex (a debt, a common business, bills to pay, etc.).
Dream of being stalked by my ex
Being stalked by your ex partner in a dream means you want to forget certain past traumas, memories and feelings which you need to tackle and overcome with some urgency.
If the breakup with your ex was very painful or, unfortunately, that person died, it is possible that dreaming about them again is a way for your subconscious to alert you that there is a trauma (related or not) need to be addressed.
Read more in dream meaning of being stalked by my ex.
Dreaming of me ex staring at me
Dream that your ex boyfriend or husband is staring at you means that you are worried for things that you did in the past during your relationship with this ex partner.
Read more in my ex was staring at me in a dream.
Dreaming of your ex trying to hurt you
Dream that your ex is trying to hurt you means that you are excessively worried about someone or something which may be affecting your life, which may be the the cause of a lot of uncertainty, so much so that it has crept into our dreams and does not let us relax or reassure.
If you dream that you ex is trying to hurt you in some way, it means you are are afraid of being betrayed by someone, so it is necessary that you be prepared for this possible event that will occur because of envy or resentment.
If you are interested in this dream, read my ex boyfriend tried to hurt me in dreams.
Dreaming of your ex trying to kill you
If you dream of an ex lover going after you to kill you or assault you, it REVEALS that you are feeling guilt for what you did to the ex when you were together, perhaps because you were unfaithful or because you simply fell in love with someone else.
On the other hand, if your ex-partner was aggressive and you suffered from violence (physical or verbal) during the relationship, then this dream is simply recreating a common scene from your past.
This dream has a very clear symbolic meaning: your previous relationship has destroyed a series of feelings and emotions within you; In other words, your ex-partner has killed a part of you.
Read more in dream of my ex trying to kill me.
Dreaming of your ex trying to talk to you
If you had a dream in which your ex-partner was attempting to communicate with you, it is a sign that you are looking for a way to put an end to the challenges that have been stressing you out. In order to do this, you need to investigate solutions for even the smallest of issues.
See my ex partner was trying to talk to me in dreams.
Dreaming of talking to your ex
This dream may reveal your need to express some things you couldn’t say to your ex partner before.
Perhaps you need urgent answers to questions, doubts or hints you have about your lover (his or her real feelings, actions or intentions).
If in your dream you receive a text message from your ex-partner, it is a sign that you miss being in a romantic relationship and feeling needed. If you have a current partner, it may suggest that you fondly remember those special details of your previous relationship.