Javier Fuertes ~ 12/04/2022

This is always a symbolic dream and means extreme emotions controlling your reactions.
It also represents a devastating change in your life.
Real Interpretations
Dreaming of a snake eating people
The powerful image of a snake devouring people can be the dreamlike symbol for a devastating situation you are afraid to go through, or maybe you are currently experiencing it.
Precisely, the snake might embody your own perception of an unfortunate event that completely alters the course of your life, such as a serious illness, a family member’s death, a job loss, or the painful breakup of your marriage.
A snake eating people reveals an individual who can hurt you
If you are having this dream is probably because you are dealing with people with the power to impact your lifestyle, cause harm, or hurt your feelings. This dream might be telling you that you are dealing with very bad guys, individuals who do not play fair. Indeed, the snake might be representing an individual in your life who have no respect for others.
Let me ask you: Is there someone in real life who is causing you trouble or altering your lifestyle?
A BIG snake eating people represents a powerful change that shocks you
If you have a dream of a big snake eating people around you means a natural disaster, an economical turmoil, a terrible accident, something that is way out of your control as an individual. Something causing commotion, disturbance and adjustments in your life.
Also, a big snake eating people could be the perfect symbol for an epidemic or a serious disease you afraid of.
See more in dream meaning of snake eating people.
Dreaming that you are swallowed by a snake
Being eaten by a snake in your dream means that you are being taken by strong and toxic feelings or emotions, such as hate, jealousy, resentment, frustration.
Being swallowed by the snake means you are down-spiraling, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is possible that you are very stressed due to a very demanding job or because you are drowning in debt.
I strongly recommend you to take some time to reflect back and find possible causes of your current misfortune, so you can get back on track.
If a big snake was swallowing you. Check dream meaning of large snakes.
This dream may be disclosing a serious health condition that is getting worse.
>> Dreaming of snakes is good or bad?
Dreaming that snake swallows my child
This dream reveal that you are afraid that something bad could happen to your child at any moment.
That’s right. Having a dream in which a snake swallows your child can express your fear that someone or something could hurt them. You may not trust the maturity or good judgment of your offspring, who can be subject to manipulations.

Alternatively, for a woman the image of a daughter in the dream can represent her purest, most tender and fragile side. So, if in your dream the snake devours your daughter, it may be a metaphor that her pure side is injured by someone close to the dreamer who could hurt her feelings . Pay attention to this line of interpretation if you have no children in real life.
Dreaming that a big snake devours your daughter can represent that a pure, innocent aspect in you is being dominated or assimilated by negative or harmful elements that are much stronger, powerful or more intense.
See full content in page: snake swallows a child in a dream.
- Feel free to share your dream with me, I can help you to interpret it.
Dreaming of snake eating animals
Dreams of snake eating a mouse
This one is a very symbolic dream.
A snake eating a mouse means a nuisance or discomfort being displaced or out-weighted by a more serious and adverse event in waking life.
A snake devouring or swallowing its prey in a dream suggests that the dreamer is dealing with rudeness, coldness, or hostility in a current situation in life.
See full content in snake eating mice in a dream.
Dreams of a snake eating another snake
If you are having this dream you should know that it is definitely 100% symbolic. (at least if you work in a zoo or a pet store with all kinds of snakes).
Seriously, the snake in our dreams is considered as the projection of an aspect or trait of the inner world of the dreamer. With this in mind, a snake eating another represents an intense and strong emotion or feeling (usually negative) imposing itself on another one.
That is, if you dream of snakes fighting each other and, as result, one of them eats the other, it means that an extreme emotion in you (hate, for example) is having a much greater strength than another (fear); thus, the dream is showing that you are being driven by a very strong emotion when reacting to a quite important event in your life.
Likewise, the image of a snake devouring another can embody or represent your determination and firmness to overcome, by all means necessary, the obstacles presented to you. Maybe you’re thinking of responding in a very aggressive way to a tough situation in front of you.
See the full content here: What is the meaning of dreaming that snake eats another snake?
Dream of snake killing someone
If you dream of snake killing someone, it means that you are having an inner fear of your violent or dangerous surroundings, perhaps your neighborhood is not safe, or for some reason you have no choice but to interact with some rough or belligerent people.
Dreaming that a snake kills a random person reveals some kind of emotional weakness in the dreamer.
if you are interested in knowing more about this dream, take a look at snake killing a person in dreams.
Why do I dream about snakes?
Find your dream>> Dictionary of snake dreams
Recommended Dreams
Dream of big snakes
A huge snake in your dream could symbolize a hurtful or negative presence in your life; perhaps a toxic or unpleasant character (think of an individual who has influence or power over you) who can disturb your emotional state.
Dream of snake choking you
The dream may be revealing a sentimental relationship that completely absorbs you, or a jealous partner who does not trust you and wants to know all of your actions.
See more in dream of snake choking you.
Dream of fighting a snake
A dream of fighting snake clearly shows your inner struggle against negative influences in your life, as well as toxic or harming relationships. It could also reveal your deep irritation or annoyance caused for some of your personal traits that you are not able to control or change.
Read more in dream meanings of fighting snakes.
Dream of snake talking
consider this dream as the way your unconscious mind is expressing different emotions, ideas, or impulses that you cannot (or do not want to) recognize while you are awake and conscious. Read dream of a talking snake.
Dreaming of multi colored snakes
A multicolored snake dream could represent some especial situations in wake life with the capacity of capturing our attention due to its attractive appearance; however, they have also the potential to complicate our routine or personal plans.
This dream may be showing people or situations that have created a pleasant first impression but do not keep up our expectations over time.
I strongly recommend you to read this post: What are the meanings of the color of the snake skin in dreams? (which includes black snake, red snake and more than a dozen of colors).
Dream with a snake’s head
dreaming that you see only the head of the snake, viper or cobra might have a positive connotation, because it is suggesting that you are facing your greatest fears. This interpretation is more appropriate for your dream if in your encounter with the reptile you killed it or made it run away.
Dreaming of killing a snake
This dream has multiple meanings and interpretations
I tell you one: If in your dream you are killing a snake it means you want to get rid of certain traits or attitude inside you.
See more in dream of killing snakes.
Dreaming of someone turning into a snake
What an intense dream!
If you dream that an individual becomes a snake it might be pointing to the existence of fake emotions or feelings in the dreamer’s life.
See more in dream of someone turning into a snake.
Dreaming of snakes in dark water
Seeing snakes in dark or cloudy water means you are mortified by the lack of transparency or definition in an activity or relationship on which you have huge expectations.
A snake in the middle of dark water might represent lies, falsehood or misinformation, which does not allow you to see the things as they really are.
See the entire content in dream of snake in water.
Dream of snake wrapped around you
Dreaming that a snake is wrapping around your body can be expressing your feeling of living in a state of permanent anxiety, in which you don’t have the time to rest or have peace of mind. You feel like you don’t have a lot of viable options in life.
Read the full content in dream of being wrapped by a snake.
See dream of snake biting someone for more meanings.
- Feel free to share your dream with me, I can help you to interpret it.
Questions regarding your dream of a snake eating a person or animals
What color was the snake?
Where was the snake?
![]() wrapped around you | ![]() in the road |
![]() in the river | ![]() in the water |
![]() Hiding | ![]() everywhere |
![]() in the tree | See more places |
Snake in the house?
![]() in the house | ![]() in the bed |
![]() in the bathroom | more places |
What was your reaction?
![]() Ate the snake | ![]() Cut the snake’s head |
![]() Caught it | ![]() Killed it |
![]() Walked among snakes | See more |
Snake Dreams Dictionary
Find more meaning in post: snake out of my body -dream meaning.