Real Dream Interpretations

Colored Snake Dream Meaning

Javier Fuertes ~ 03/31/2023

The color of the snakeskin usually reveals the dreamer’s mood.

Check more than 16 colors here in alphabetical order:

What does snake colors mean in a dream?

Black Snake Dreams


In the world of dreams a black snake has different meanings. Firstly, it means an influence in your life that -you consider- is very harmful, toxic or destructive. It could also represent what causes you -at the same time- fear, outrage and hatred.

A black snake usually symbolizes what you consider unfair, abusive, or improper in life; perhaps a situation, entity or individual with an absence of values, limits or norms.

You may have recurrent dreams of black snakes if you dealing in wake life with a situation, entity or individual with an absence of values, limits or norms.

See the complete list of dream scenarios and meanings in page dreaming of black snakes.

Black and Red Snake Dreams

This dream would suggest that you are feeling angry and upset, and at the same time, very afraid, as a consequence of potential issues in your near future. And it can also reveal a growing frustration with yourself due to specific personal situations that you can’t easily solve.

what does dream black and red snake means

Dreaming of red and black snake reveals that you are very afraid. Indeed, a black and red snake means that you are feeling angry and upset and, at the same time, very afraid. All this as a consequence of a quite harsh scenario that you are currently facing in the present.

See the rest of the content here: dream meanings of black and red snakes.

Black and White Snake Dreams

This dream might reveal that you are experiencing extreme psychological states, or maybe you are having changing moods triggered by a distressing event happening in life.

See the full content here: dream meanings of black and white snakes.

what does dream red and black snake means

Black and Yellow Snake Dreams

Seeing black and yellow snakes in your dreams means that you are having doubts, second thoughts that are paralyzing you. There is uncertainness in your mind stoping you from going ahead with life.

See full content in black and yellow snake dreams.

Black and Green Snake Dream

Dream of black and green snakes reveals your current worries over some issues in real life with the potential to become worse, more tedious, more complicated or costly.

See more meanings in page dream meaning of black and green snakes.

Black and Orange Snake Dreams

Dreaming of a black and orange snake means there is fear about something to someone you do not know quite well yet. It possible your are worried about the result of certain situation currently happening in real life.

See full content in dream meaning of black and orange snakes.

Black and Golden Snake Dreams

Dreaming of black and gold snakes means that you may be having perturbing thoughts, doubts or feelings regarding the start of a big personal ambition or activity.

If you are interested in this dream, check black and gold snake dream meanings.

Blue Snake Dreams

Dreaming of blue snake means your are worried due to a lack of sympathy towards you, you may have noticed there is coldness or apathy when you interact with people close to you.

In the world of dreams the blue color expresses tranquility, emotional stability and calmness. Blue is a color representing the sky and sea waters; it suggests also reflection, honesty, relaxation. Consider this interpretation more closely if the reptile neither attacks nor threatens you.

In some cases, this dream may be saying that you are experiencing guilty or shame; maybe you are fearing that the most negative aspects of your personality (or your bad deeds) might be exposed to others.

See more in blue snakes – dream meanings.

Brown Snake Dreams

what is the meaning of a dream of brown snakes

A brown snake means that you are not only recognizing but also dealing with negative and toxic elements within (or around) you.

Dreams of brown snakes, vipers or cobras might be announcing that you are having an intense desire to cleanse yourself from stress and emotional tension.

On a positive side, this dream might be revealing your desire to change and improve.

On the negative side, having a dream with a brown snake might indicate that you find it very difficult to get rid of something annoying or burdensome in life.

See the full list of dream scenarios and interpretations in dream of brown snakes.

Brown and white snakes

See more in brown and white snake -dream meaning.

Coral Snake Dreams

meaning of dreaming with coral snakes

The coral snake is one of the most poisonous of the species, therefore, it means that the dreamer feels she is living at the edge of an extreme personal situation.

Some experts in dream interpretation consider this dream as a warning signal from our unconscious mind about something bad happening at any moment.

In some cases a coral snake may be symbolizing a harmful, aggressive or dangerous individual.

Dreaming of a coral snake discloses your own internal impulses manifesting themselves in reactions or responses that are difficult for you to bring under control, such as your actions motivated by anger, jealousy or outcry.

See the rest of the content in dream meanings of a coral snake.

Golden snake dreams

what's meaning dream of gold snakes

It means sudden troubles, arguments of feuds as a consequence of money management in your life. It might indicate lost or wasted financial opportunities.

Dreaming of gold-colored boas or vipers may expose current concerns about financial or economic issues happening in the dreamer’s unconscious mind. Pay close attention to this interpretation if . . .

Green snake dreams

Dreaming of a green viper may reveals inexperience or immaturity in the dreamer.

A green snake may show the dreamer’s envy or jealousy; perhaps she has sadness and sorrow for the happiness or success of others.  

See green snake dream interpretations for the full content.

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See also dream of Green and black snakes.

If you dream of green and yellow snakes, take a look at dream meaning of green and yellow snakes.

Grey Snake Dreams

This dream may reveal that the dreamer is experiencing uncertainty, indecision, even confusion.

Dreaming of vipers, cobras or snakes of grey color might disclose a sense of isolation, apathy, even loss of interest in something or someone. Indeed, this dream is suggesting that you are feeling emotionally distant from what is happening to you and the world around you; perhaps you are lacking focus on certain personal matters; it seems that you are not satisfied with yourself.

The dream may also be suggesting that you want to keep your lack of commitment in something. It seems as though you do want to engage in certain business, or you prefer to stay away from a relationship or a particular situation in wake life; perhaps you may be trying to escape or avoid certain -social or work- environments.

See more in page grey snake dreams.

Orange Snakes Dreams

what does it mean dreaming of orange snakes

Dreaming of orange snakes indicates that you have generated enough confidence to undertake bold and risky ambitions. This dream could be revealing your enthusiasm for engaging on new and exciting activities; perhaps you want to spend some time experiencing new places, folks or hobbies.

In fact, this dream announces your desire for greater sociability in your life and a renewed sense of adventure; there should be a sudden desire to expand your world. This dream may be announcing your sudden feeling of being alive; perhaps you are recovering from an emotional or physical setback.

See more in page orange snake dreams.

Pink Snake Dreams

Pink color in the world of dream interpretation usually symbolizes femininity, delicacy, tenderness. If in your dream that a pink sake is friendly and makes contact with your body it can represent passion or romance in your life.

dream meaning pink snake

To dream of pink boas, cobras or vipers might be pointing to the existence of deep affection, warmth and desire in one of your personal relations. It is perfectly possible that something you have experienced in the last 24 hours has inspired this type of dream.

See the full content in pink snakes -dream meanings.

Purple Snake Dreams

In some cases, I have found that dreaming of purple snakes reveals the dreamer is afraid of being sick or getting an illness.

Read more meanings in dream meaning of purple snake.

Rainbow Colored snake Dreams

Dreaming of a rainbow colored snake means that you are having strong emotions capable of disturbing your tranquility.  Maybe you find yourself experiencing new situations and don’t know what results to expect.

Take a look at dream meaning of rainbow snakes.

Red Snake Dreams


The red snake is considered as a warning sign to stop and reconsider key personal decisions made or actions you are planning to take.

Also, this dream usually shows intense and negative emotions such as anger, rage, bitterness, which would prompt you to react aggressively. The red snake, then, displays your desire to respond aggressively to a personal situation that looks unfair or intimidating.

See the rest of the page in dream meanings of red snakes.

Red and Black Snake dreams

what does dream black and white snake means

This dream means that you are feeling angry, and at the same time, scared as a result of the problems you are currently facing. It can also unveils a growing frustration with yourself because of personal issues that you can’t easily solve.

See the full content in dream of red and black snakes- dream meanings.

Silver Snake Dreams

A silver-colored snake symbolizes insight, vision and intuition. It is possible that this dream reveals an individual that is more focused on the details than the bigger landscape of the picture.

White Snake Dreams


A white snake in your dream is considered as an image conveying the notion of absence of emotions or the lack of enthusiasm for life. If that is true, dreaming with a snake of this color means that you do not have enough emotional energy to . . .

White and Black snake dreams

See the full content in page black and white snakes.

Yellow Snake Dreams


This dream may be indicating that you are worried about something disrupting the normal development of your daily routine or personal plans.

Seeing a yellow viper or python in your dream means that you are probably showing a crippling indecision at the moment of making a big decision or assuming greater responsibility.

See the full list of dream scenarios and interpretations in dream of yellow snakes.

Read also: Black and yellow snakes in dreams.

White and Yellow Snakes

See also: What is the meaning of dreaming of White and yellow snake?

Snakeskin Colors – More Interpretations

Dreaming of snakes changing colors

This dream may expose your volatile attitudes or reactions to ongoing events in your daily life. Perhaps you are experiencing unstable emotions or inconsistent attitudes regarding your current problems. 

Perhaps, this dream is showing that you have different & confusing emotions.

From another point of view, this dream means that you are facing situations, people or emotional conflicts you cannot bring under control, let alone fully understand. The dream might be showing that you do not know how to react in front of changing scenarios or evolving situations in real life.  

A color-changing snake can be considered the dreaming image that represents an individual – in real life – who is disloyal, duplicitous or emotionally unstable, someone who changes feelings or opinions constantly, an individual who does not show his/her true character. 

The same idea behind this interpretation may be extended to include some scenarios or relationships -in waking life- with the potential to give you a hard time. 

Some experts think that it is possible that the dream is disclosing a fickle and capricious personality.

Dreaming of multicolored snakes

Basically, this dream means that you are in front of situations that catch your eye.

Dreaming of red snakes expose the dreamer’s intense emotions such as anger, frustration, outrage. On the other hand, yellow snakes could indicate that there are problems with an excess of energy or enthusiasm, or perhaps there is growing anxiety due to a lack of decision in dreamer’s life. Green snakes mean immaturity, greed or perhaps emotional recovery.

Dreaming of a multicolor snake

Dreaming of dark-colored snakes could express a pessimistic mood. It could also make visible the dreamer’s emotional confusion.

Dreaming of colorful Snakes

Dreams have the peculiarity of creating representations for things in your mind that do not have a material form (your reactions, impressions, attitudes). In this sense, a dream in which you see snakes of different colors exposes problems, complications or changing events, before which you do not know how to respond nor their consequences.

These colorful reptiles can also represent people or situations that make a pleasant first impression but do not keep our expectations over time. 

We may have dreams with a colorful snake when in our real life we are facing situations or scenarios that capture our attention due to its attractive appearance but -at the same time- they may complicate our personal plans or daily routine.

See more in colorful snake dream meaning.

Dreaming of very brightly colored snakes

This dream means that you are having strong emotions capable of disturbing your tranquility.

Maybe you find yourself experiencing new situations and don’t know what results to expect.

It can also reveal a psychological state (such as a feeling, an emotion, an attitude) prevailing over other ones.

Some experts in dream interpretation think that a well-colored snake is considered a dreaming figure alerting you of the danger close at hand.

Questions about your snake dream

How did the snake look like?

Where was the snake?

Snake in the house?

What was the snake doing?


What was your reaction?

Snake Dreams Dictionary

dictionary of snake dreams

See 70+ meanings and interpretations