Javier Fuertes ~ 03/31/2023

It reveals your fears and anxieties.
Lingering concerns needed to be addressed.
Dreaming of a snake biting you is a warning signal from your unconscious mind (creator of your dreams) for urgent action to be taken regarding a key situation you are avoiding, neglecting or disregarding.
I invite you to read more than 30 interpretations sorted out alphabetically, all of them based on my own experience helping people to understand their dreams:
Snake bites a part of the body
Dream of a snake biting my arms
If a snake bites your arm in a dream, it means that you are having a hard time coping with hostile, unfair or nasty situations. Indeed, this dream may be showing that you are are not able to protect yourself -emotionally speaking- in the face of an uneasy relation, circumstance or social environment. Maybe you feel that you are not tough enough to deal with . . .
See the rest of the interpretations in page dream snake bites my arm.
Dreaming of a snake biting my right arm
This dream might be revealing that you are having a hard time trying to affirm yourself in some aspects of your social life. In addition, it may show that you are lacking the willpower needed to deal with a tough situation or a competitive environment in wake life.
See the full content in page Dream of snake biting my arms

Dreaming of a snake biting my back
A dream with snakes biting you in your back has several interpretations:
The first and most common interpretation states that this dream reflects your concern about potential betrayals or disappointments in your current personal matters.
Another reading states that a snakebite in your back might uncover a sudden setback in an area of your life to which you were not paying enough attention. Also, it may refer to a perturbing event happening when you are not prepared, or when nobody close to you was expecting something like that.
See full content in page dream of snake biting my back.
Dreaming of snakes biting my breast
This dream means problems with your instincts or maternal aspects. It can also indicate problems with your ability to nurture, to take care or to guide your children.
Another interpretation says that the dreamer may be experiencing issues with her own intimacy.
Dreaming of vipers or pythons biting your breasts indicates that you are dealing with issues in your relationship.
Dreaming of snake biting my ear
Dreaming of a viper or snake that bites your ear means that you have been impacted by negative rumors or very toxic gossip. This dream can be just expressing your fear of being affected by hearsay at home or at your workplace. Maybe something you have just heard may have caused you distress lately.
Alternatively, the dream might suggest that you’re not hearing advice or recommendations given to you. Precisely, your unconscious mind is telling you -with this dream- to pay more attention to certain new things happening around you.
Find your dream>> Dictionary of snake dreams
Dreaming of snake biting my face
It may be expressing your resentment, annoyance or irritation as a consequence of nasty or toxic comments you have received recently.
If you have had a dream of rattlesnakes or vipers biting your face, it means that you have severely criticized the previous day and, consequently, your personal reputation or social image took a big hit.
That’s correct, if you are bitten in your face in a dream, it means you are afraid of getting bad comments about your actions or your reputation.
Dreaming of a snake biting my fingers
This dream shows painful frustration or dissatisfaction in one aspect of the dreamer’s life.
A dream in which snakes are biting your fingers is displaying your apprehension or uneasiness for not being able to respond correctly in front of a very problematic situation in real life.
See the rest of this section in page dreaming of snakes bites my finger, where you will also see the interpretations for the following dreams:
You will also see the interpretations for the following dreams:
A snake bites my little finger
A snake is biting my forefinger
Dreaming of a snake biting my foot
A dream of snakes biting your foot offers at least two interpretations:
According to the first interpretation, this dream is uncovering the existence of certain obstacles (material or psychological ones) blocking you from getting ahead in your professional or personal life.
In addition, the dream might be revealing that you are facing hurdles or roadblocks that all of the sudden . . .
I recommend you to go to dream snake bites my feet where you will also read the meanings for these dreams:
A dream of a snake bites my left foot
A dream of a snake bites my right foot
Dreaming of a snake biting my forehead
Having a dream where the snake bites your forehead reveals fears or worries about your ability to make good and wise decisions in your daily life.
Alternatively, this dream is alerting you about something or someone who may be affecting your pride or self-esteem in a certain way.
Dreaming of a snake biting my hair
It expresses your acknowledge -at a sub-conscious level- of inner doubts regarding your decision-making capacity. This dream may occur as a result of a really bad decision you have taken recently.
In some cases, this dream just means that you are having a hard time trying to stop thinking about something that really disturbs you.
Dream of snake biting my hand
In the world of the dream interpretations a hand is regarded as a symbol expressing the dreamer’s command over her personal affairs or emotions. Hence, a snake is biting your hand in your dreams means that you are having trouble with . . .
A bite in the dreamer’s hand might uncover the fact that the she is losing grasp or understanding of the nature of a current situation, which makes her feel more anxious.
This dream may be revealing an internal conflict inside the dreamer about the proper or correct action to take regarding an ongoing issue that really worries her.
See the rest of the interpretations in page dreaming of snake biting my hands, where you will also find the meanings for:
A dream of a snake biting my left hand
A dream of a snake biting my right hand
Dreaming that a snake is biting my head
To dream that a snake bites your head means that you are begun to acknowledge your own shortcomings or inner imperfections. It may also reveal that you are finally admitting the poor decisions taken in relation to a important matter in current life.
A snake biting your head could display the fact that you are having unpleasant and disturbing thoughts or ideas, which might be the cause of you worries and headaches.
This dream may be delivering a clear message from your unconscious mind -the real maker of your dreams- warning about a very stubborn personal stance or decision you have made recently.
Your dreaming mind is using the image of the snakebite to push you to react and finally become aware that something must be done.
On a more symbolic level, this dream is suggesting that you are paying more attention to your ideals, values or thoughts, and at the same time, neglecting your more basic needs.
Dreaming of a snake biting my knee
Getting bitten by a snake means that you feel you don’t get the emotional support you’d want when you need it.
It is possible to feel that you are reaching your emotional or mental limit lately.
If you have dreamed of snakes that bite you on your knees then you may have thought about the possibility of abandoning your activities or moving away from certain perturbing social situations or scenarios.
Dreaming of a snake biting my heel
This dream is indicating problems with your personal flaws or bad habits. In fact, a snakebite in the heel may reveal the existence of negative habits or personal traits that the dreamer cannot overcome easily. The heel in the dream world represents your willpower; therefore, dreaming that a snake bites your heel would represent your struggle to resist or avoid something you consider negative, immoral or (self) destructive.
Find your dream>> Dictionary of snake dreams
Dreaming of a snake biting my leg
If a snake bites your legs in your dream, then it may be revealing your discontent or frustration at noticing that your personal projects are not going to be achieved , maybe something or someone is derailing your . . .
See the rest of the content in dream meaning of snake biting my leg.
Dreaming of a snake biting my mouth
This dream reveals that you are having issues at the moment of expressing your emotions and feelings to others. It may also indicate that you are preventing yourself from expressing what you want; maybe there is a lack of good communication skills.
This dream could be pointing to the existence of a strong and constant remorse and guilt over certain words or statements said recently by the dreamer. Perhaps you should be more carefully with what you say, and choose wisely when to speak up and when to be quiet.
See the full content of this entry in dreaming that snake bites my mouth
Dream of a snake biting my neck
This dream is showing that the dreamer is having serious personal dilemmas. In fact, this dream might reveal that you have experiencing profound internal . . .
Dreaming of a snake biting my shoulders
This dream makes visible complications, concerns or problems with your sense self-confidence and pride. It is possible that you are being arrogant or stubborn because you are not listening to the advice given by your dear ones; perhaps you are being a little too cocky and do not want to respect the opinions of others.
On the other hand, dreaming that snakes bite you on your shoulders may indicate that you are having a hard time dealing with the weight of your own personal responsibilities. Maybe you have taken for yourself so many professional or family duties, and you have just realized that there is no enough resources, time or skills to fulfill them.
Read more in getting bitten by a snake in your shoulder.
Dreaming of a snake biting your stomach
This dream shows the dreamer is having some trouble with ideas, emotions or situations she does not want to assimilate or “digest”. It is possible that she may not want to accept the new realities happening around her life.
In some cases, a dream of rattlesnakes or cobras biting your belly might be uncovering problems managing your diet. Following the idea behind this interpretation, the dream may be revealing your own concerns with your current body weight. Do you think you have trouble dealing with some extra pounds in your body?
- Feel free to share your dream with me, I can help you to interpret it.
Snake Biting on People
Dreaming of a snake biting my baby
If you have a baby in real life then in most cases the dream may be just expressing the dreamer’s real worries or fears about something bad happening to her little one.
It is likely that for some reason (work, family or personal duties) you are not spending enough time taking care of your baby in real life.
See full content in dream of snake biting a baby.
Dreaming of snakes biting my boyfriend
If in your dream the snake bites your partner it means the you are current worries about the condition or the future of your romantic relationship.
Also, the dream might be hinting that you are requiring more time, consideration or attention from him.
In some few cases, this dream is just expressing your thoughts or fears to commit to a serious relationship in real life. Consider this line of interpretation if you’re not in a current relationship.
See the full content here: dream that snake bites my boyfriend.
Dreaming of a snake biting my brother
Having a dream of snake biting your brother means you are harboring latent worries about your brother’s wealth fare. It may also revealing your own fears over the condition of your relationship with him.
I suggest you to read snake biting my brother for more meanings.
Dreaming of a snake biting my daughter
A dream in which a snake assails or bites your daughter is revealing not only your concern that your relations with her may be turning bad, but also . . .
Dreaming of a snake biting my father
If you dream of a snake biting your father, that means your relationship with him is deteriorated and you think you need to re-establish damaged emotional bonds.
Perhaps the current family environment in which he operates is not the optimal or the most appropriate, very different from what you would like for your father.
Maybe you’re worried about their friendships or personal contacts; you have the suspicion or conviction that they are a very bad influence for him. If your father in your dream was protecting you when he was bitten, then he may suggest that you are waiting for someone to cover your responsibilities or failures.
See the rest of the meanings and situation in dream meaning of snake biting my dad.
Dreaming of a snake biting a girl
This dream is revealing the presence of harmful influences in your life which really have the potential to harm something that you’re starting in your wake life, something which is still vulnerable and need protection and care, such as, for example: a relationship, a business project, studies.
In some few cases, the girl attacked by the snake could be embodying your current emotional state. Pay attention to this interpretation, if you feel vulnerable, helpless or restricted as a young girl.
See the rest of the content in pagedream meanings of snake biting a girl
Dream of a snake biting my husband
This dream reveals that you are having a feeling that something bad will happen to your husband or boyfriend.
Likewise, you can read this dream from a symbolic perspective: the snake in your dream may be embodying . . .
Dreaming that snake bites a loved one
Dreaming that a snake bites your loved one means your are harboring concerns about something bad happening to them in real life. It is possible that you are afraid of some issues, tensions or conflicts in your relationship with them.
See more interpretations in snake bites a loved one – dream meaning.
Dreaming of a snake biting my mother
This dream could be showing that you have some fears or concerns regarding your mom’s welfare or health.
Also,a snake biting you mom shows issues with your role as a mother
I explain all the meanings with more detail here: dream of snake biting my mom.
Dreaming of snake biting my sister
Seeing that a snake is attacking or biting your sister in dreams reveals issues and tensions in your family. If in real life you live with her under the same roof, then the dream may be showing your fear of potential family tensions and differences getting worse between her and somebody else.
See all meanings for this dream in sister is bitten by snake in a dream.
Dreaming of snakes biting someone else
According to a plain interpretation this dream is just expressing your worries about something bad happening to someone you know.
However, there is another reading: people you know in your dream can also represent an aspect or characteristic of your . . .
Dreaming of a snake biting my son
The first interpretation considers the dream as a simple manifestation of your worries about someone or something hurting your child in real life. Well, those are natural fears a good parent has.
However, there is another reading for the dream: it might be revealing your lingering concerns in relation to . . .
Dreaming of snake biting my wife
If in your dream a snake is biting your wife, it is showing she is going throughout a painful emotional process due to something serious in her life.
If you have this dream, please take a look at dream of snake biting my wife.
See also: two snakes biting in a dream
Reaction to being bitten by snake
Dreaming that a snake bites me and I die
A dream in which a snake is biting you (and you die afterwards) might uncover the fact that you are falling into negative, dark or harmful emotions. It could also be revealing symptoms of depression.
If in the dream the snake bit you and you lost your life, it means that a part inside you has died, such as, feelings and emotions towards someone; or maybe it represents a big personal plan or expectation that fails.
In some cases, a deep disappointment in someone or something on which you had great enthusiasm or trust may have triggered this type of dreams.
This dream may be a metaphor for the presence of toxic or harmful influences affecting your very deeply.
Dream that a snake bites me and it dies
This dream means that you might have overestimated a situation that seemed to be ugly or threatening.
Indeed, it is possible that you had concerns regarding a specific problem that turned out to be small, brief or inconsequential; perhaps your worries turned to be unfounded, or perhaps the worst scenario you were expecting did not materialized.
There is also a negative interpretation. According to this reading, if you dream of snakes biting you without significant harm for you, it shows that you are underestimating certain scenarios, people or subjects; somehow you are pretty sure that certain problems or misfortunes happening to others will never reach you.
Dreamt that a snake bit me and I went to the hospital
If you dream that a snake bites you and then you ended up at the hospital, it means that you are trying to heal or restore your emotional balance. This dream is suggesting that you are not only admitting that you are experiencing pain but also that you are longing for a recovery.
If in the dream you are the one choosing going to the doctor, then it might reveals an emotional readiness and willingness for the arrival of inner changes that may help you out to restore or improve your psychological or physical well-being.
Dreams of killing snakes that bite me
This dream offers several meanings, the following are the most common:
- You want to eliminate something from your life.
- You’re feeling more confident or desperate,
- You’re facing an unfair situation,
See rest of the interpretations, along with their explanations, in page dream of being bitten by a snake and killing it.
Dreaming that a snake bites me and I don’t get hurt
Dreams of snake biting you without causing substantial injury means that there are current situations in real life that did not turned out to be so serious or painful as you had thought.
According to another interpretation, this dream may be disclosing that the dreamer may be going through a deep personal transformation.
See the full content on page dream of a snake bite but nothing hurt.
Dreaming that a rattlesnake bites me
This dream means that the dreamer feels a high level of remorse for having ignored previous hints or warnings of something bad happening in her wake life.
Indeed, dreaming that a rattlesnake bites you reveals a terrible emotional state due to the fact that you did not paid attention to the details, symptoms or events that indicated that something harmful was about to occur in key personal matters, such as health, relationships, business or studies.
In some cases, this dream may reflect the fact that the dreamer feels that something bad may be occurring in the near future.
Dreaming that a snake is trying to bite me
Dreaming that a viper or a cobra that was trying to to bite you can be considered as a warning sign coming from your unconscious mind because you are noticing that you are placed in the middle of a hostil scenario or environment in waking life.
It is possible that your unconscious mind is saying that you need to fix your own bad habits or attitude causing you problems in the present. Perhaps the reptile represents feelings of distress, or even guilt, for something you have not done properly.
See full content in snake trying to bite me -dream meaning.
Snake biting animals
Dreaming of a snake biting my cat
The most basic and literal interpretation is in this case is the good one: you have worries or concerns over your cat’s health or safety in real life. It is possible that for some reason (job, studies, family business) you have not been near your little one, and you fear that something unexpected or unpleasant can happen to the cat.
See the entire content in dream meaning that snake bites my cat.
Dreaming of a snake biting my pet dog
This dream may be disclosing that you have realized you are in middle of an overprotective or demanding relationship. Perhaps, you are the one who is suffocating or straining a close relationship -or a friendship; as a result, your social relations are being impacted negatively.
The dog in the world of dreams represents faithfulness and trust; it also symbolizes friendship. If the snake attacks your dog it might be suggesting that you have lost faith in . . .
Places where the snake bit you
Dreaming that a snake bites me when I am lying on bed
Basically, this dream is displaying your anxiety about your intimate affairs.
If in your dream the mamba or viper bites you when you are lying in bed, it can offer at least two interpretations:
The first one has to do with your sentimental life. Having a dream that a snake attacks while you are lying down might be revealing some issues with personal matters that you usually keep for yourself; maybe you are having a lot of worries and feel that something bad might happen to you at any moment. You need to take into consideration the context of the dream to determine the integral meaning.

According to the second interpretation, this dream may be expressing your worries in relation to an important decision you made in the past. Certainly, the dream might show that you have begun to harbor second thoughts regarding serious personal businesses that you thought wouldn’t be discussed anymore. Perhaps this dream is disclosing your resistance, -or even stubbornness- to admit you made a substantial mistake.
This dream might be pointing to the existence of a latent risk of serious personal setbacks to which you were not paying enough attention. Additionally, this dream could reveal a problem that may happen -or may get worse- because you are not paying enough attention.
If the snake bit you when you are home
If the snake bites someone in your house, that means most likely there are some tensions, differences o conflicts at home. There must be fears inside you over some family members who are quite toxic or are hurting your feelings.
See more in snake in the house dream meanings.