Javier Fuertes ~ 10/12/2023

Dreaming that a snake (particularly a python or anaconda) is wrapped around you can offer several interpretations:
For instance, it can be expressing your impression of living in a state of permanent anxiety, in which you do not have the time to rest or have peace of mind.
What does it mean to dream of a snake wrapped around me?
Dreaming of a snake wrapped around you reveals a demanding relationship
A snake wrapped around you could be considered as a dream symbol for a romantic relationship that absorbs you completely, or for an overwhelming responsibility which is taking all of your time and attention.
It is possible that you are linked to several personal commitments that are not easy to break.
A woman dreamt about a red and black snake wrapping around her leg, it did not attack her and seemed to be friendly; however, the dreamer did not want to do anything with the reptile.
In real life she had broken up with her boyfriend, but he kept trying to come back. They lived in the same neighborhood, and for her it was quite hard to avoid to see him…
Dream of snake wrapped around you shows health issues
Snakes in the world of dreams means something toxic or poisonous for you body. That why if you dream that a snake is wrapped around you, it may also be a signal for an addiction, obsession or even a disease that is engulfing or afflicting you and not letting you enjoy your life.
In some specific cases it may be disclosing breathing problems.
Dreaming of a snake wrapped around you means debts to pay
If you are having this dream it is possible that you are dealing with debts needed to be pay off in the short term.
Here is an example:
A woman dreamt that a big green snake was wrapped around her neck. In real life she was worried about her personal financial position, she was drowning in debt.
Dreaming of a snake wrapped around you shows an unbearable situation
This dream is revealing that you are in the middle of a personal situation you cannot take anymore; something or someone is wearing you down, emotionally speaking.
Read>> Seeing snake in a dream is bad ?
Dreaming that snake gets entangled in your body and bites you
If you dream that a snake wrapped around your body bites you means you are in the middle of personal situations in which you feel pressured, distressed by your problems, worries and feel that you are reaching an emotional limit; probably you feel can’t take it anymore.
Dreaming that viper, snake, boa or anaconda curls into your body reveals that the you are tangled in a complicated situation, maybe you feel you are exhausted, emotionally speaking.
Find your dream>> Dictionary of snake dreams
Dream of snake wrapped around someone else
Dreaming of seeing a snake wrapped around someone means you are worried for something bad happening to an individual that . . .
Dreaming of snake wrapped around my body
Snake wrapped around my ankle
It is possible you are lacking flexibility (or more viable options) at the moment of making an important decision in life.
Snake wrapped around my arm
Dreaming of snakes biting your arm means that you are having a hard time adjusting to hostile, aggressive or nasty personal situations.
See full content in dream of being bitten on your arm by a snake
Snake wrapped around my foot
See snake biting my foot.
Snake wrapped around my hand
It means you are having worries about your actions or decision in your real life. If the snake bites your hand you should check snake bitting my hand- dream meaning.
Snake wrapped around my leg
If you are having this dream you may be facing an issue or trouble which does not allow you to move forward with your daily life.
See more in dream meaning of a snake attacking my leg.
Snake wrapped around my neck.
It could reveal that the dreamer is entangled in a very demanding relationship. See more in page dream snake biting my neck.
- Feel free to share your dream with me, I can help you to interpret it.
Why do I dream of snakes wrapped around my body?
- Because you have a time-consuming job,
- Because you have health issues,
- Because you are dealing with a terrible addition,
- Because you are in the middle of a suffocating relationship.
- Because your are sick of a current unfair situation .
Related Dreams
What is the meaning of a dream of two snakes wrapped around each other?
Dreaming of two snakes wrapped around each other means you are facing a menacing and chaotic situation in your current life, it could be a toxic scenario at your workplace or in your family relationships.
Find the full content in dream of two snakes wrapped around each other.
What is the meaning of snakes in the beach?
Dreaming of snakes coming out of the sea make visible your fears or concerns during a difficult psychological condition in your current life, for example, you may be assimilating the death of a loved one, living with a serious illness or dealing with potential disappointments.
See the rest of this section in snake on the beach dreams
What does it mean to dream of brown snakes?
Dreams of brown snakes, vipers or cobras might be announcing that you are having an intense desire to cleanse yourself of negativity. Perhaps, you are acknowledging the need for a purge of thoughts, attitudes, emotions or habits that you consider harmful or self-destructive.
See the full content in page brown snake dream meanings.
What does it mean to dream of catching snakes?
may be disclosing your ability to control or eradicate your negative thoughts, vices or personal flaws; perhaps you are getting rid of harmful habits or influences. See the full list of meaning in page catching snake in dreams.
What does it mean to dream of snake with teeth?
This dream is showing that you have no other choice than dealing with a toxic individual. See more in seeing a snake with teeth in dreams.
What does it mean to dream of snakes in a car ?
A dream where you find a viper, boa or cobra in an auto indicates the presence of obstacles that can impede the achievement of your personal goals.
What does it mean to dream of snake chocking you?
Having dreams where a snake is choking you -or is about to do it- expresses certain negative influences in your wake life preventing you from being yourself. It is possible that you are going through situations that make you feel suffocated emotionally, such as, for example, economic hardship, family issues, or stress for your workplace.
See the full content in snakes choking you.
Dreaming of multi colored snakes
A multicolored snake dream could represent some especial situations in wake life with the capacity of capturing our attention due to its attractive appearance; however, they have also the potential to complicate our routine or personal plans.
This dream may be showing people or situations that have created a pleasant first impression but do not keep up our expectations over time.
I strongly recommend you to read this post: What are the meanings of the color of the snake skin in dreams? (which includes black snake, red snake and more than a dozen of colors).
What does it mean to dream of snakes everywhere
A dream in which you see snakes in many places reveals the existence of a permanent obstacle or problem that is recurrent or repetitive, something bad constantly perturbing you, day after day.
See more in snakes everywhere -dream meaning.
What does it mean to dream that I have a pet snake?
Dreaming that you have a pet snake not only reveals your ability to remain calm and confident in very rough situations in real life, but also that you have good judgment and wisdom when making difficult decisions.
This dream would express your control or dominance over instincts, forces, or inner impulses that very few people can exercise.
Having a cobra or a viper as a pet means that . . .
Is ir bad dreaming of snakes?
The answer is “it depends on the specific dream”. I consider it to be bad in many cases, because it reveals that the dreamer is facing a situation or a person that is disturbing her life.
According to my experience interpreting dreams, I have noticed that the snake normally appears to express our . . .
Questions about your dream of a snake wrapped around your body
What color was the snake?
Where was the snake?
![]() wrapped around you | ![]() in the road |
![]() in the river | ![]() in the water |
![]() Hiding | ![]() everywhere |
![]() in the tree | See more places |
Snake in the house?
![]() in the house | ![]() in the bed |
![]() in the bathroom | more places |
What was the snake doing?
![]() Attacking | ![]() Running away |
![]() Chasing you | ![]() Eating an animal |
![]() Turning into a human | ![]() Coming out your body |
![]() Chocking you | See more |
What was your reaction?
![]() Ate the snake | ![]() Cut the snake’s head |
![]() Caught it | ![]() Killed it |
![]() Walked among snakes | See more |