Real Dream Interpretations

What was the snake doing?

Javier Fuertes ~ 05/17/2022

Snake attacking you in dreams

This dream is revealing your doubts and insecurities at the moment to make great determinations in life, for example, decisions around your work, marital or sentimental status. 

what does it mean dream snake attacking

Dreaming of vipers or cobras attacking you means that there is a current challenge in waking life you don’t want to face or solve in any way.

Dreaming that a poisonous snake is attacking you shows an intense sense of remorse, guilt, or sorrow for . . .

See the full content in page dream of snake attacking.

Snake biting in your dream

Your arm / Your finger / Your foot / Your hand / Your leg.

Your daughter / Your dog / Your husband or  boyfriend .

Someone else.


See more interpretations in page dreams about snake bitting.

Snake chasing you in a dream

Having a dream of snakes running after you means you are procrastinating on matters needing to be addressed with urgency. Also, this dream shows that in real life you are dealing with a personal situation so overwhelming that you desperately want to avoid it.  

what does it mean dream snake running after you
Dreaming of being chased by snakes

Dreams of snakes or vipers ­chasing you may suggest that you have anguish linked to a state of emotional vulnerability. 

If in your dream snake is going after you, it shows that you are harboring negative feelings towards . . .

Snake choking you in a dream

This dream means that you feel emotionally overwhelmed. Indeed, having dreams where a snake is suffocating you -or about to suffocate you- is displaying certain negative influences preventing you from behaving more freely.

Dreaming of a snake strangling me
Pic by Hoyasmeg via Flicker / CC BY

You may be going through situations that make you feel overburdened or psychologically exhausted, such as financial hardships, family or sentimental problems, or maybe heavy stress from work.

See the rest of the interpretations in page dream of snake choking me.

Snake coming out of your body in dreams

The snake in the world of dreams is considered as the imagen that represent some toxic, pernicious or destructive aspects of your own inner world.

It is possible that your mind is generating the image of the snake in the dream as the embodiment of those harmful thoughts, attitudes, or emotions that you would like to eliminate or remove.

what is the meaning dreaming snake comes out my skin
Dreaming that a snake comes out of my skin

See the full content of this page in snake coming out of my body

Dreaming of snakes eating in your dream

This dream is open to different interpretations:

The powerful image of a snake devouring people can be the dreamlike symbol for a devastating situation you are afraid to go through, or maybe you are currently experiencing it. 

Precisely, the snake might embody your own perception of an unfortunate event that completely alters the course of your life, such as a serious illness, a family member’s death, a job loss, or the painful breakup of your marriage.

See more in dream meaning of snake eating someone.

A snake eating an animal is symbolic language meaning that the dreamer is afraid of losing personal conflicts or tensions.

See full content in dream snake eats an animal.

what is the meaning of a dream snake eating

If you dream that a snake is eating another snake, it shows you are expecting a terrible outcome from a current situation in real life.

Snake hiding in a dream

A dream in which snakes are hiding and you can’t find them means you have frustration -or dissatisfaction- over issues you can’t control in real life and also for things, situations or personal projects that you are not able to achieve.

Likewise, consider the option that these negative influences could be very difficult for you to confront or resolve, because they are hard to see or distinguish. 

what does it mean dream snake hidden
Dreaming of hidden snakes

See the rest of the content in page dream of snake hiding

Snake running away in your dream

Dreaming of snakes escaping means that you are denying or ignoring certain feelings or impulses inside you. In fact, a dream of a snake fleeing  indicates that the dreamer is suppressing, evading or ignoring her own instincts, appetites or innate impulses.

what does it mean dream snake escape
Dream of a snake running away from me

This dream may be happening because you are in front of a complicated circumstance -or a confusing event- that you are not able to comprehend just yet.

Read the full content of this page in dream of snakes running away.


Snake spitting venom in dreams

Dreaming of a snake that spits out venom on you means that you are being seriously affected by disturbing things happening in your life, such as, toxic personal relations, the loss of a person close to you, or any other current situation hurting you emotionally. Maybe you’re recognizing the existence of harmful individuals in your life.

This dream might be disclosing that you are getting filled with toxic emotions, attitudes or ideas, as a result of things that have just happened to you in the last 24 hours. Maybe you may have been harshly criticized, and those insidious words said to you felt like poison being injected. It is possible, also, that you just have received terrible and devastating news.

what does it mean dream snake spits poison
Dream that snake spits poison on me

See more in dream meaning of snake spits venom on me.

Dream of a talking Snake

Some authors consider that having a conversation with a snake could be dramatizing some tensions between various parts of your psyche, one of them adopting the image of this wild animal.

If in your dream you see a snake talking, please read dream meaning of taking snakes.

Snake turning into a person

Dreaming that a snake becomes into a known person means that you are realizing that this individual is experiencing a radical change of personality, behavior or attitude in real life; a transformation that is very disturbing or chilling for you. It is possible, too, that you consider that she or he has not being completely honest or transparent, hiding her/his true intentions from you.

See more interpretations in page snake becomes a human -dream meaning.

dream meaning of snake turns into a human

Questions regarding about your dream

What color was the snake?

How did the snake look like?

Where was the snake?

Snake in the house?

What was your reaction?

Snake Dreams Dictionary

dictionary of snake dreams

See 70+ meanings and interpretations